Tag: Flutter
Why this website is not in Flutter
Hi there, and welcome to my new attempt of a creating a blog for my work :). There is not so much flashy things like a dark mode or any other cool feature that I usually like in my Blog websites that I created over the years. Just plain and simple WordPress with the default…
Step-by-Step guide for Flutter JSON Serialization
Serialization is the process in computer science to convert an object into something that can be saved in a database or be sent via a network request. Today we want to transform a JSON String that we receive from an API and transform it into an instance of an object.
Six Weeks with Chingu to feel like a Software Developer
In January 2018 I started to realize my dream and learn how to code with Udacity. I took a six-month Intro to Programming course and started to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python. At this time I had my full-time job in Germany in Sales with my background of M.Sc in Industrial Engineering.
Firebase Hosting for Flutter Web Projects in 4 easy steps
The app helps me to prevent the loss of my future recipes. I’m still working on my project, but meanwhile, I wanted to create also a web project out of it. So I decided to create a Flutter Web Project and deploy that to Firebase Hosting. If you want to publish it under GitHub Pages,…
Setup a Flutter Web Project on GitHub Pages
Flutter Channels To enable flutter web, you have to set up your Flutter CLI properly, and after that, you have to make sure you are on the right channel. Today when I write this post, Flutter web is still in beta, so we have to select a branch that supports beta features. The master channel…
How I started with Flutter
I searched for a strongly typed language that shows me errors before I am falling for them. Now after one and a half year I can say that I transformed from an Angular 2+ engineer to a Flutter engineer and I even started my own Youtube Channel with the topic FlutterExplained.
Flutter Project – Scrum Poker App
First, I want to start by creating a clear picture of what we want to achieve. I work currently on a Scrum Team, we always have to carry around our cards for sprint poker. These cards are old, dirty and very often used from a lot of teams and so I decided to change that…
Flutter Journal App — Full Project with Chingu
I am coming from a Front End development background, and it’s always more comfortable for me to break down my applications from top to down. That usually means I first start to implement the basics in visualization and then come slowly down to the nasty backend world and save my stuff finally on a database.
I go on a Chingu Journey, with Flutter, Dart and Aqueduct
After six months of travel, we decided to stay in New Zealand, and I got some work as a software engineer very quickly. The work there is good with a lot of friendly people around me. But currently, I am not happy anymore with Angular as a technology stack. But to do private projects is…