How I started with Flutter

I searched for a strongly typed language that shows me errors before I am falling for them. Now after one and a half year I can say that I transformed from an Angular 2+ engineer to a Flutter engineer and I even started my own Youtube Channel with the topic FlutterExplained. First steps I started by creating some smaller prototypes. Without knowing the Dart Language, I wanted to create my first web app, which I did with the help of Chingu. Chingu is a platform where you collaborate with other members of a community to create a new project. ...

February 11, 2020 · 5 min · 854 words · Max Weber

I go on a Chingu Journey, with Flutter, Dart and Aqueduct

keywords: Flutter Dart Personal Development tags: Flutter Dart Aqueduct After six months of travel, we decided to stay in New Zealand, and I got some work as a software engineer very quickly. The work there is good with a lot of friendly people around me. But currently, I am not happy anymore with Angular as a technology stack. But to do private projects is quite hard, and somehow the motivation is missing that pushes you to completion until my girlfriend had an excellent idea. ...

August 25, 2019 · 5 min · 934 words · Max Weber