Repositories that are worth mentioning

The first Flutter Repository is created by Robert Felker, aka Solido. You can find a great list of resources that contains a fantastic amount of knowledge about Flutter. It includes further Ressources like Content Creators, Videos, Tutorials and example Repositories. And the best part, thanks to over 268 contributors the project is still in active development and receives updates regularly. It follows a strict “How to contribute” – guideline makes sure to

read it carefully before you add your next fantastic idea.

Flutter Roadmap

Flutter Roadmap\nCard

You are a bit lost on your track to enlightenment with Flutter? Search no more the Flutter Roadmap got you covered.

It contains all essential parts of Flutter Software Development that you could think. This package offered me a personal

Learning path. Additionally, I was able to track your personal learning goals. The Main Contributor is Oleksandr Leuschenko,

aka. olexale he also is the author of arkit_flutter that allows AR development with Flutter.

Flutter Gallery\nCard

The Flutter Gallery is officially inside of the Flutter Teams Repository. The Gallery contains a lot of full-fledged app examples. You will find demo applications for eCommerce Applications, Financial Services, Travel application and E-Mail Client. Thanks to the code examples and the fantastic website, I was able to convince friends and partners about Flutter.

The Gallery is a fantastic start of your Flutter career and additionally helpful if you want to convince your friends, partners and clients on how great Flutter is. Last but not least, you can check out the whole repository and start it locally.

FilledStacks Tutorials


FilledStacks is a YouTuber and Content Creator around Flutter and Dart and has a great library of Tutorials that he supports with a Blog and YouTube videos. I highly recommend you to check out his repository in which he shares many insights on how to implement various topics like Firebase Implementation, Mouse Hover, Location Services and State Management. FilledStacks was one of the first YouTuber I found, and that motivated me to stick with Flutter and learn more.

Mais Flutter Ressources

Mais Flutter Ressources\nCard

One of the newer repositories in which Mais collected all her resources for Flutter Development. She collects

an extensive range of information like quick linking of the official documentation, YouTube channels in 2020,

Courses, Tools and many more.

Awesome Flutter Talks

Awesome Flutter Talks\nCard

Another Repository that I look frequently onto is the Awesome Flutter Talks. Here Rahiche collected all important talks in the last couple of years and the list is still growing.

Thanks for reading and consider a subscription to my patreon.